Driving Lessons Quotes

Compare UK driving lessons prices online,
it’s FREE and obligation FREE!


Our prices are up-to-date and obligation free
and cover the whole of the UK


Compare Driving Lessons Prices: It’s FREE!

We currently have over 3300 DSA approved driving instructors and driving schools across the whole of the UK. This means that you can see immediately if we have a DSA approved driving instructor in your particular area of the UK. Check it out, it’s FREE and obligation free.

Register below to find your nearest driving instructor
and the cost of their local driving lessons

Click here to discover the driving lessons prices in your area!


Step 1: Get Driving Lesson Prices in 2 Easy Steps

Getting driving lesson prices with a driving instructor near you is a 2-step process which is FREE, obligation free and confidential.

Step 1 Fill in the form below with the necessary information and we will check immediately our database to see if we have at least one local driving instructor in you area together with the driving lesson prices they charge.

Step 2 After you have submitted the form in Step 1 above, a new web page will display the results of our database search ie. details of all the local driving instructors we have available in your area + their driving lessons price per hour.

This page will also contain a link to book your driving lessons, if you want to (see next step).

Click here to discover the driving lessons prices in your area!

Step 2: Book your Driving Lesson Online with an Extra 2 Steps

Step 3 Using the link displayed on the page mentioned in step 2, you will be able to book your driving lessons online with the local driving instructor of your choice. All from the comfort of your home.

Step 4 Your chosen driving instructor will then contact you to arrange your first driving lesson.


Use this Form to Get Driving Lessons Prices
and Make a Booking (optional) 

For security reasons, your IP will be recorded:


1. fields with a * are required fields,

2. please ensure you have got a valid provisional UK driving licence before completing the form below. If you do not yet have a provisional driving licence you will need to apply to the DVLA. Application forms are available from your local Post Office.

First Name: *
Surname: *
Address: *
Post Code: *
Date of Birth: ::

Please provide a
telephone number and/or a mobile number so our instructor can contact you. S/He will usually do so within 24 hours to arrange a lesson with you.
Telephone Number: Please double-check your phone number!
Mobile Number: Please double-check your mobile number!
E-mail Address: * Your IP:
Please double-check your email address!
Have you passed the theory test?: *
How many lessons have you already had? * (If any)
Would you like ‘manual’ or ‘automatic’ lessons?

If you have any problems/concerns with the form, please click here to send us an email outlining the problem/concern. We are more than happy to help you as best as we can.



Gift Vouchers Available

Have you thought of block booking 5 or 10 hours of driving lessons as a gift voucher for a family member or a friend?

A driving lesson gift voucher is a great way to ensure that your loved one will be safe on the road by receiving the right driving tuition.

Receiving the correct driving instruction is best done when a person is learning to drive, before bad driving habits set in.

Click here to order a driving lessons
gift voucher today for someone you love!

PS Ordering a block booking gift voucher of 5 or 10 hours will entitle you to a discount. So, give someone you care about a fantastic gift and save money at the same time. 


Our Qualified Registered Driving Instructors

All our driving instructors and driving schools are registered with the DSA (Driving Standards Agency). This means that:

  • you will learn to drive with one of our DSA approved driving instructors,
  • you will receive excellent and vital learning to drive tips,
  • you will receive professional and practical driving lessons,
  • you will be advised by your driving instructor when you are ready to take the driving test which is made up of a driving theory test and a driving practical test,
  • you will receive driving instruction training by one of our local driving instructors in the surrounding areas of your home,
  • you will be taught to drive a manual or an automatic car,
  • you can even have refresher driving lessons if that is what you feel you need,
  • and lots more!

So, book your driving lessons online with us, and learn to drive with DSA approved instructors, who are professional and experienced.

Click here to book your driving lessons and be ready
for your licence with one of our DSA qualified driving instructor!

PS The Driving Standards Agency (DSA, a government appointed body that controls the driving schools industry) actively monitors all registered driving instructors and driving schools. These are continually graded at regular intervals.

PPS In case you are wondering, we do have an Approved Driving Instructors List.