Driving Instructors

Are you a UK driving instructor
looking for new pupils?


Register with us & we will find you
UK pupils for your driving school


'Driving Lessons Booking Service' for Driving Instructors

Through our web site, we aim to bring together driving instructors (and driving schools) and pupils ready to learn to drive, anywhere in the UK.

Here are 2 reasons why you need to register your driving tuition services with us, both of which will save you money:

  • Our motto for our driving instructors is: "No pupil, no fee!"
  • Your advertising costs with us are non-existent as we will actively find and refer learner drivers to you.

The reason why you will save money with us is that you only pay us a commission after the pupils we refer to you have taken their first driving lessons.

Click here to register and we will find you
keen learner drivers. Registration is FREE!


How It Works

When a pupil registers with us seeking a driving instructor from a local driving school in their surrounding areas or postcode,

  1. we will let them know of any driving instructors or driving schools we have registered with us, 
    • they will then decide if they want to proceed with making a booking with one of the driving instructors or driving schools listed,
    • if a booking has been made and they have selected you as the driving instructor of interest, we will then contact you about the booking request,
  2. you will then need to decide if want to accept this pupil. If you do,
    • you will need to let us know so we can pass the relevant details onto you or your driving school,
    • you will need to contact the pupil directly and make a firm booking for the first few driving lessons,
    • you will need to inform us of the time / date of the first driving lesson, and confirm the booking,
    • we will contact you 2 days after the date of the first driving lesson to collect the referral fee (equal to the price of the first hour's lesson). We will also contact the pupil at this stage to ensure that the first driving lesson has been taken place successfully,
  3. if you decide not to accept this pupil for whatever reason, let us know and we will pass their request on to other driving instructors in your postcode.

'No pupil, no fee' is our motto!  Click here and we will
find you pupils who want to learn to drive.


Advantages to Using Our Booking Service

We are quite flexible about the terms and conditions for using our driving lessons booking service as you can see below:

  • you don't have to have the DLBS logo or name on your driving school vehicle or on your paperwork,
  • you only take pupils when your driving school needs them with no contracts or franchise fees,
  • you are free to accept bookings through any other means,
  • you can optionally let us know when you require pupils.

Click here to register and we will
provide you with driving lessons bookings.


Register your Details

If you are new to our 'Driving Lessons Booking Service' (DLBS), fill in the form below to register your driving instructors or driving schools details. Join other independent driving instructors (and driving schools) and give the National companies some real competition!

Note that, for security reasons, your IP will be recorded:


  1. Please complete the registration form below to be added to our database of national DSA approved driving instructors.
  2. Fields with a * are required fields
  3. Once you have registered as a driving instructor, you will be given immediate access to our "Driving Instructors Area" where you will be able to edit your contact details (if you need to) and where you will be able to add a list of ALL the postcode surrounding areas that you cover.
  4. You will also receive a newsletter every three months (or so) which will give you valuable information that could save you money on instructor insurance and other recommended deals. By registering below, you implicitly state that you agree to receiving these money saving emails from us.


First Name: *
Surname: *
Address: *
Post Code: *
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:

E-mail Address:


(Please be sure to enter a valid e-mail address so we can contact you when we have a pupil wanting to make a driving lesson booking with you. If you do not have access to an e-mail address please leave this box empty.)

Number of Male Instructors:
Number of Female Instructors:

Your Qualifications

ADI Number:
Year Qualified:
Grade on last check test:
Pass Plus Registered:

Your Pricing

You must provide a price per hour for one or both lesson types
Price per hour for a Manual Lesson: (if applicable)


Price per hour for an Automatic Lesson: (if applicable) £
Discount details: (if applicable)

Further Details

Model of Car: *
Name of School: *

Sales Pitch:


 You only have 250 characters for your sales pitch, so make it short and to the point.

Use this box to "sell yourself" to your prospective pupils. This information is sent out with your hourly driving lesson prices and might be the reason a pupil will choose you over another driving instructor.

(Please Note: as each driving instructors details are sent out anonymously through DLBS, you are not permitted to use your driving school name or contact details here)



Days Off:
Intensive Courses:
Short Notice Tests:

Login Details

User Name: *
Password: *



Driving Instructors Looking for Driving Schools Placement

If you are a DSA registered TRAINEE driving instructor (PDI) or a fully qualified ADI driving instructor who would like to be placed with driving schools, please contact us with a land line telephone number and we will call you with further information.


Specials You Will Want to Know About

Let Driving Lesson Booking Service UK. find your pupils - Register today.


Driving instructors:
let us find you keen learner drivers


We cater for driving instructors and driving schools

'No pupil, no fee!' is our motto